Make a list of three of your favourite hobbies 
1.- Go to the beach
2.- Read
3.- Listen to music

A detail about each hobby on your list.
1.- Go to the beach - I really enjoy spending time on the beach with my friends or family. It makes me feel so good and relax.
2.- Read – I have a lot of different kinds of books, but I don't have a favorite one because every book teaches you something different.
3.- Listen to music – I enjoy Spotify everyday, while I'm cooking or washing the dishes.

Write a paragraph describing your favourite hobbies. 
I was raised near the beach and it's a joyful place to me, that's why I like to go there with the people that I love, also I take my dog to swim in the ocean with me. Since I was a child loved the books and I think it's a great gift to me If you ask me. My imagination flow away in every page and show me incredible things. I listen to music all day, when I walk at home, while I'm studying or do the laundry.



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